Building Approvals Made Simple, Building Permits For Residential and Commercial Projects  - Perth 

Building Extensions, Alterations and Additions 

Welcome to Building Designers, the ultimate hub for:

Council Approvals, Unathorised Buildings, Residential Alterations and  Additions

Commercial and Industrial Change of Use, 

New Home Design, Swimming Pool Design, 

We can manage projects from Design through Construction to Occupation Certificate.

Residential Building  Approvals & Certificates

Our team specializes in creating exquisite architectural designs to obtain Certifcate of Design Compliance CDC.

Commercial & Industrial Building Approvals & Certificates

Our team specializes in commercial  architectural designs and building upgrades to obtain Certificate of Design Compliance CDC

Building Permits & Certificates

Our team is experienced in obtaining Certificate of Building Compliance CBC for Council rejections, retrospective and unauthorized developments  effectively and provide the following services:

DA - Development  and Planning Applications 

Architectural Drawings for Council Submission and Certificate of Design Compliance 

Town Planning Services